The Submarine Review
The Submarine Review is the quarterly publication of the Naval Submarine League. It provides a forum for information and discussion on a variety of submarine-related topics. Not only are the ideas of NSL members to be reflected, but also those of anyone who is interested in submarines and submariners. The journal is available to corporate and individual members and hard copies are sent to members of Congress, all U.S. Navy submarine activities, and all U.S. submarines.
Transcripts of speakers at NSL events are often included, so the journal is an important resource which reinforces the plans of the active duty Submarine Force leadership and their vision for the way ahead. Membership in the NSL includes a subscription to The Submarine Review, which can be mailed in hard copy or read online. Recent issues are available only to NSL members.
Advertising Rates
Guidelines for Submitting Articles
The Submarine Review Archive
There is a searchable online archive of all issues of The Submarine Review from 1982 up to 2016. Archived issues are available to everyone. Click the button below to access the Archive.
The Submarine Review Archive _
Advertising in The Submarine Review
Advertising rates listed here are for each quarterly issue March, June, September, December.
Color | B&W | |
Back outside cover | $3,500 | N/A |
Front or back inside cover | $3,000 | $2,000 |
Full page | $2,500 | $1,600 |
Half page | $1,200 | $800 |
Quarter page |
N/A |
$400 |
Additionally, commitment to a full year (4 issues), with advance payment, receives a 10% discount. Prices per year (after the 10% discount) are shown below.
Color | B&W | |
Back outside cover | $12,600 | N/A |
Front or back inside cover | $10,800 | $7,200 |
Full page | $9,000 | $5,760 |
Half page | $4,320 | $2,880 |
Quarter page |
N/A |
$1,400 |
For copy deadlines and specifications or for further information, contact
Guidelines for submitting articles to The Submarine Review
Articles will be accepted for consideration on any subject closely related to submarine matters and may be submitted by anyone interested in submarines. The views expressed by the authors are their own and are not to be construed to be those of the NSL. Articles accepted for publication become the property of the NSL. All articles published in The Submarine Review will be considered for NSL Literary Awards.
A stipend of $200 will be paid for each major article selected for publication. A major article should be at least 2000 words, exclusive of footnotes and bibliography. Shorter articles and opinion pieces are welcome. Previously published articles may be considered for publication but will not receive a stipend or be considered for awards.
All articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word, as an attachment to an email to both and